Right Command
+ / (slash)
to show/hide Cling~/.fsignore
file lets you specify gitignore patterns for excluding files and folders from the index.To provide instant search results, Cling maintains an in-memory index of your filesystem.
This can consume a significant amount of memory, ranging from 300MB
to 2GB
depending on the size of your filesystem and the number of files indexed.
Whenever Cling is in background (the window is not visible), the index will be marked as swappable to disk. This allows macOS to move the index to disk and free up RAM when memory pressure is high. Cling will reload the index from disk when you open its window again.
The most CPU-intensive operations are:
Searching will consume a lot of CPU but in short bursts, so every time you stop typing, you'll see high CPU usage for 1-5 seconds then it will drop to 0%.
When Cling is in background, it will pause searching and it will consume very little CPU to index file changes.
The impact on battery is proportional to how many searches you do and how many file changes will happen in the background.
Even though a search will look like it's consuming 100% CPU of multiple cores, it's a very fast operation and the battery energy used isn't that high in the long term.
Processing and indexing file changes is very efficient and will not impact battery life significantly.